Ciao! Nice to meet you!

I'm Ale Crystal, real name Alessandra.

I am 25 years old, I have 2 graphics tablets, 2 cats and I spin like a spinning top between Ivrea, Turin and Vercelli (Italy).
I love drawing so much, I had the crazy idea of doing it as a profession and, let's say, it's slowly working!
I really enjoy playing on the PC, singing, and eating all the Chinese food.
My illustrations are very often fan-art, my comics are about weird situations and my animations take eons before they are published.

But don't worry... at least I'm funny!

One, two, three... GO!
The world of comics has been a great companion in my life.
Since 2020 I have delved into this world, collaborating with
Essere Umani Onlus, Rizzoli Education and Anonima Fumetti.

Skills & More

  • Organisational skills;
  • Comunication skills;
  • Computer skills;
  • Knowledge in history and art history;
  • Creativity;
  • Possession of a B driving licence and willing to travel independently by vehicle;
  • Team work;
  • 24 CFU for teaching;


  • Photoshop;
  • Illustrator;
  • Procreate;
  • Unity;
  • Maya 3D;
  • Toon Boom Harmony e Open Toonz;
  • HTML;
  • Indesign;


  • 2023 - Ongoing: Bachelor's Degree in Humanities from the Department of Humanistic Studies, Vercelli - University of Eastern Piedmont;
  • 2023 - 2024: Tutor in the private online platform Kodland - teacher of programming (SCRATCH) and Design of Fantasy Worlds (comics and animation) for children aged 7-16;
  • 20 febbraio 2023: Intervention at the Public Relations Office in Turin to participate in the comic strip project on Article 27 / Awareness-raising on the condition of prisoners in society for Museo Carceri Le Nuove in Turin in collaboration with EssereUmani;
  • 30/06/2022 - 11/09/2022: Participation in the Summer Exhibition - exhibition held in the Rotunda of the Pinacoteca Albertina - with the animated short “Another Dimension”;
  • 2021 - Ongoing: Page artist for fanzine online as “Unto the Abyss: A Genshin Impact Horror Zine” and “For Eternity: A Genshin Wedding Zine”;
  • 2021 - Ongoing: Illustrator and Colourist for Anonima Fumetti in the overall project WOW- 'Comics in Italy' in graphic novels such as “Eva: Nei giardini dello spirito” / “Katherine: Genio invisibile” / “Gerty: Il potere della gentilezza” / “Tamara: Ai margini” / “Zaha: La regina delle curve”;
  • 2018 - Ongoing: Museum operator for guided tours / educational visits - Castello e Parco di Masino (TO) and Collezione Enrico in Villa Flecchia (BI);
  • 2021: Attainment of certificate for teaching qualification courses (24 CFA).
  • 2022: Cartoon exhibition on Article 27 / Awareness-raising on the condition of prisoners in society / City of Turin and Museo Carceri Le Nuove di Torino;
  • 2020 - 2022 : Second Level Academic Diploma - 110 e lode/110 - New Technologies of Arts / Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino;
  • 2021 : Cartoonist and Illustrator for Rizzoli Education / educational books and textbook “Il Rinoceronte Bianco”;
  • 2019 - 2022 : Exhibitor at Alessandria Comics in the Self Area.
  • 2020: National School of Comics Competition - "2020 Da Ricordare Come Un Film" / Second Place.
  • 2017 - 2020: First Level Academic Diploma - 110 e lode/110 - Graphic Arts / Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino.
